| how we converted the rotational
movement of the motor into translational movement of the wheels |
| power
steering mechanics |
| Randy working on the power
steering |
| testing the HC11 |
| Jeffrey testing the
connections on
board |
| Jeffrey cutting the
wires |
| Eric working on Java
with 2
laptops |
| Deja vu, Eric working
on Java
with 1
laptop |
| Kuan working on the
board |
| Ditto, Kuan working on
board |
| how
original power
wheels looked
like inside |
| inside of the power
wheels after
addition of power steering, HC11, etc |
| ditto the
above |
| think, think,
think |
| the
crew:Kuan, Joe,
Randy, Eric,
Kelly, Jeffrey |
| the
crew: ditto
above |
| presentation board for
EOH01 |